« Choeur Tac-Til » is an experimental and vocal adventure, somewhere between sound, thoughts and science, conceived in 2012 by Natacha Muslera.
For the Gamerz Festival, « Choeur Tac-Til » proposes a creative concert where the audience is invited to a troubling and sensitive listening experience, with no visual reference, plunged into darkness.
Duration : Two 20-minutes vocal pieces
Singers : Pierre Audouard, Mafalda Da Camara, Melodie Duchesne, Gihane Elhassouni, Chérifa Harzallah, Angélique, Huguenin, François Parra, Karine Poe, Alex Querel, Bruno Raby.
Composer : Natacha Muslera
Engineering and programmation : Charles Bascou
Charles Bascou (programmer and musical assistant for the GMEM Marseilles) and Natacha Muslera (sound and visual artist), work together on a sound writing device that can provide information in the dark from a sensory desk. The desk transmits pressure to the palm of the hand. This tactile device allows immediate composition and interpretation of a vocal piece, just by the touch and hear, with no need of the eyes.
A new type of choir, partly made of blind people, for whom the skin (palm of the hand) is a surface-medium, writing a partition in real-time. Orality becomes tactile, the skin turns into a space for projection of sound writing : Seeing through the ears, seeing through the skin.
« A choir made of breaths, microtonal buzz, organic, liquid and gaz voices. An etheral, spectral and concrete choir giving birth to semantic glitches. An augmented choir, caressing your ears. A choir in the night at the corner of the eye. »
Coproduced by gmem-CNCM-marseille, Les Bancs Publics, Objet Direct.
Diffusion partner : Le bureau Détonnant.
With support of Conseil général des Bouches-du-Rhône, choir programme and Région Paca (creative and innovating music support programme)